Sunday, November 17, 2013

Come on Baby Light my Fire

There are several frugal and free ways to have fire starters and kindling.  Any paper or cardboard with no plastic attached gets out in this pile. It's kept under our throw blankets so we don't have to see them. We don't get a paper delivered but Food Saver (a Portland paper) gets delivered once a week. We put it to good use. 

One if my neighbors let us have some of her sappy pinecones to use as firestarters. These work the best! Best part is it's non toxic and free!  Don't heaitate to ask your neighbors if you could have some. It will probably be one less hoer for them to do outside. 

About 2 years ago my neighbors Jim & Hazel replaced their fence that we share with them. Jim was gracious enough to let us have some of the wood. Perfect for kindling! Thanks Jim & Hazel! 

Lastly here we have some tree bark. Each year we get a wood permit to cut our own fire wood. When we bring it home a lot of the bark comes off & we stack it in one place. Bark is a great kindling that burns hot like a coal & it smells so wonderful when burnt. 

You could also make your own firestarters with egg crates, lint and wax but why when you have easy things like these? But I must say hose are excellent gifts for family or friends. 

Peace ✌️

1 comment:

vivalaleta said...

Good recycling. I adore a wood fire.