Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bog Berry dryer balls Review

Handcrafted, Eco-friendly alternative to dryer sheets. 

These beautiful wool dryer balls are made with a core of freshly carded wool batting from a family farm in Lancaster County, PA. The colored sets are made with additional wool purchased from a small, Eco-friendly company in Maine.  Lucky me I was able to connect with Brooke Petry and she sent me a set of these to review for free. Let me just say I was gitty from the get go! 

Whats to love about dryer balls?

-Eco friendly alternative to dryer sheets. Stop using those toxic filled softeners today!

-Biodegradable. Once done with these you can let your kids/animals play with them. Once they are falling apart simply toss them in your compost bin. Can you say zero waste? Sweet!

-Chemical Free-Did you know that softeners contain toxic chemicals? Read about it here. Better yet do the research yourself and get informed.

-Energy Savers. I normally line dry my clothes in nice weather but when I cannot I only use these. They have cut my dryer time by 10 minutes. Those minutes add up and have saved me so much energy and money.

-Softens clothes while reducing wrinkles and static. 

-Great for scenting your drawers and closets. Simply take a wool ball and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Then place anywhere you need some added freshness.  You can also do this and toss them in your dryer! 

-Decorative. When not using (in nice weather like in my case) you can simply put these in a pretty bowl and set out anywhere to decorate. What a beautiful sight of colors and texture it is! 

How do you use them? Simply toss them in with your clean wet laundry into the dryer. Turn the dryer on. Done. 

Review-I have tried as many Eco friendly alternatives I can get my hands on. From making my own liquid softener, using tennis balls (NEVER AGAIN STINK!!!), aluminum foil balls (waste of time did nothing) and simply just went commando after all those. That is until I found these. Ive been using them for 3 weeks now with great results.  I have less static and my dryer time has been cut by 10 minutes per load.  
Each time I unload my dryer I toss the clothes/balls on the floor in my living room. While I fold my daughters/husband find this time great for throwing balls at each other.  They don't hurt anyone and frankly its just fun for them. Not fun for me when I get tagged but at least it doesn't hurt lol.  

Would I recommend these? Yes because they have lots of uses making my money go further.  No waste what so ever and completely biodegradable. Whats not to love about that?  Worth every penny and would make a perfect gift for anyone. I'm falling more and more in love with these.  I really wish this company was local to me but that's the only con I can come up with.  

Go get them and tell them I sent you. You can thank me later.

Need more proof? Check out this great review from The Greening of Westford.

Brooke Petry sent me these for free to review. I am not getting paid one cent for any of my opinions on this blog.  I'm a non profit blogger who does this in her free time and gives her honest opinion.  Basically what I am saying is you can trust my opinion because I'm not getting anything out of this except for some free wool balls. Sweet amazing free balls.

Now go get some!
Have questions about these? 
Email  Brooke at 

1 comment:

Mindful Momma said...

I love my dryer balls!