Quinoa is growing very nice. Still need to research how to harvest them but I think I still have time.
My plum tree has lots of fruit on it. Not ready just yet but look how beautiful they are.
My first pati pan is growing very nice! These are my oldest daughter LOVES these!Strawberries are finally ready to be picked. We have had 2 so far...one day I might have strawberry jelly....
I picked up this bleeding heart for half price because it wasn't looking too good. Well I must of given it lots of love because after all the neglect it went through it still had enough energy to give me a flower or two. Love these!
This creeping thyme gave me pretty little purple flowers. I just love how beautiful this plant is.
I'm so sorry I have not been posting much lately. All 4 of my daughters were in soccer and I was basically living at the soccer field. Now only 3 are in soccer but all 4 are in swimming lessons. At least I can walk up to the swim lessons. I honestly feel like a taxi at times. I have managed to get out and water the garden each morning. We have been eating lots of salads and the kids have been having fun snacking on the snap peas.
Also I wanted to say Happy Belated Fathers Day! This is my first Fathers Day since my dad has passed and I decided to ignore my sadness and concentrate my goodness on my husband. Probably not for the best of me but oh well. My oldest daughter picked out some all natural organic Cologne from Whole Foods, my middle daughter picked a bacon dark chocolate bar from Whole Foods (was delish!) and the twins decided to get him a toaster oven. He has wanted one ever since we started living together but I didn't find a need for one. We luckily found an almost brand new one from Goodwill for only $9.99. We made him breakfast in bed with a dozen roses picked from our garden. We had a soccer tournament so for most the day we were at games. But he was able to have dinner with his dad and the kids later that night and I stayed home with Emma because she was sick. So I made it through the day without thinking about my dad and how sad that he wasn't here. If I had a therapist they would not like this at all. Good think I'm too cheap to have one. lol
Soon I will have lots of cucumbers and squash to deal with. Anything I cannot use I usually give to my neighbors some of which are elderly. I am lucky enough to have 7 neighbors very close to me and many of them garden just as much as I do. As they say "Sharing is caring!"