Friday, July 24, 2009

Compare to save

I went to Whole Foods to get muffin paper cups (recycled non toxic) and couldn't believe my eyes. They want $3.49 per lb for whole wheat noodles. The next store I went to was Winco and they have the very same noodles for 99 cents per lb. Now why such a difference in price? I really pays to keep an eye on what cost what. I know what I can get for cheap in each store.
Those muffin papers for example. I can get those just about anywhere for about $1.99 and come with about 40-60 in each package. But Whole Foods are recycled and non toxic, have 60 in each, plus cost $1.49. Worth my time going there to get them. They also have corn based utensils for camping for only $1.12 each pack. I feel good about buying these because they are biodegradable and I can throw them away and feel good about it.
Every Tuesday we get a free paper with all our local stores flyer's in it. I look through each one very carefully and decide which store I'm going to get what I need from. If one store only has 1 good thing on sale that I need, I will pay the couple extra cents from a different store I was going to anyways. Not worth my gas money to save those extra pennies I would of saved. Same goes for coupons, I'm not driving to a store just for one good coupon. Unless its a super crazy sale, its not worth my gas money going there.
So remember to compare and keep note of how much things are usually and shop around that. Buy whats in season and plan meals around those items. This alone saves me a bundle each month.

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