Monday, March 16, 2009

Upcoming events....

Well im still working on getting products to review and give away to all my favorite followers. You know who you are! So things are in the works still and I have not forgotten. Awaiting things in the mail still.
But i'm also working on another project. Restaurants. You know, those places you cannot afford anymore but really would love to go to? Yep, those. I'm in the process of contacting places, maybe get a few gift cards to give away, and just see what they can do for you, the consumer. Im looking for budget friendly, family friendly, and great food places. We will see how this goes.
I'm just like all of you. Tight budget, little or no money left over after bills. So the little money we do have, has to stretch very far. I have to feed and pay for a family of 6 on a budget for a family of 4. So I will let you know my findings, steals and deals as soon as possible.
Im sure these companies will work with me. They are fully aware of peoples lack of money now days and know they have to budge a little to get a little. There is hope for all of us to get out and try to set aside our worries for even just an hour while were enjoying a good inexpensive meal with the whole family.
So I will keep you posted. Wish me luck!

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