This year don't be afraid to buy a big turkey. Left overs are a very good thing and can be used in many ways. So make sure to save all those left overs or steal as much as you can. Well don't steal but make it known you want them!
Save any left over meat for later use. Cut up into cubes and freeze in one pound increments so its easy for you to use later. Turkey meat can be used in any recipe that calls for chicken. (think pasta, cold turkey salads, etc)
Save all turkey juices and freeze for later use. Turkey juices are liquid gold if you ask me. Use to make rice, add to potatoes, and they also make wonderful gravy. YUMMO!
Bones bones bones. DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY!! Simply pull off the skin, keep all the meat and put those bones to good use. Toss them in a big pot of water and boil away. You can easily freeze or can all that turkey stock for later meals. This stock will add so much flavor to anything. My favorite is to cook rice with homemade stock. Yummy!
Note-The first Thanksgiving I hosted for my mothers side of the family was in my very first home. My grandma Mary came and when she left that night she took my turkey carcass. That thief! Then it didn't make any sense to me and I was happy because I didn't have to throw it away. Now I can see exactly why she took it. Living through the depression my grandma knew a good thing when she saw it. Kudos to you gram. Miss you more and more.
This makes a lovely treat for the kids later on after our dinners.
Many people add it to sandwiches for a zesty touch. I on the other hand would throw up a zesty touch if I did that. I don't do sweet with my main food. I know...I'm slightly off.....but in a good way I promise.
Maybe add it to a glass of cold lemonade?
Maybe a mixed drink?
Or just purge the fridge at night and eat it like you want to. You know you do!
Like there are any left overs of those!
But if there is, you have options. Save them and use them to make Shepard's pie.
Who doesn't love mashed potatoes with cheese melted on top? Or maybe some sausage with cheese? Or maybe some chives with sour cream? Or maybe just the potatoes because your too lazy to add anything?
Again like there are any left overs of them!
Not even going to talk about this one because there are NEVER any left overs of these. I mean ....come on!
These can be added to any soup for up to a week after Thanksgiving.
You can also put them in freeze safe containers and toss them in the freezer for later use. Corn in corn chowder, beans in veggie soup, pea's in mac n cheese, etc. You get the idea.
Any left overs of these are crumbled and tossed outside for the wild life. And I swear I hear them say thank you as they take them and run off. Well that or they are cursing me because I didn't throw out the good stuff. I swear a squirrel flipped me off one day. I swear!
Anyways you get the idea. Don't throw anything out. Reuse everything you can. And last but not least have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Don't drink and drive! Hopefully you will be stuffing your faces and feel too fat to drive. Isn't that the point of Thanksgiving?
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