Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting creative

I try to find things I can fix up or paint. Its a habit of mine. I was happy to find in a old Pottery Barn catalog a new line of furniture that's painted. They didn't exactly show you how to do it but showed little pieces of paint layers that they did. They showed which color to do first, then second , and then third. I was so excited to see this. I had just bought a small table that I think might of been a piano chair?? The top opens up and would fit small booklets. It was only $1 at my local Goodwill Outlet. Yipee! It needed some TLC though. So I tightened up all nuts and bolts and sanded it down completely.

I went to the local Walmart and bought the following:

1 4 oz bottle of plaid navy paint $1

1 4 oz bottle of plaid barn red$1

1 spray can of clear spray $1

I painted a layer of navy first. Let it completely dry then painted it barn red. Again letting it completely dry. Then took sand paper and sanded the edges. This is how you get the cool coloring coming through. Looks really good on this piece because of the pretty wood work on the legs. Once I was done I took a damp rag and made sure it didn't have any dust on it. Then sprayed a clear coat on it. Done! So here is my $4 investment that looks just like the paint treatments on the Pottery Barn catalog. I'm in the works with another piece I bought. Its much larger and will be painted black with green coming through. Super stoked!

Note:The brown box is a old Singer sewing machine a friend gave me for free. I told all my friends I was looking for a free or cheap machine that was simple to use. This one was her grandmothers and she never used it. I think it was the first plug in machine, yeah its that old. Ive already used it and it works perfectly! The power of WOM is amazing. (word of mouth).

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