Friday, April 3, 2009

Frugal Baby Wipes

When my middle daughter was born, she would get a rash after every diaper change. So I made my own wipes until she was potty trained. She never had a rash again.
Here is what I did.

1 baby wipe container (use a old one or any reclosable container)
1 bottle of witchhazel (found anywhere)
1 small bottle of baby oil (just for smell and softness)
Roll of Viva Towels (do not use cheap ones, they will fall apart. Viva towels are thick)
Don't want to buy Viva Towels? Use old cotton fabric scraps and simply wash instead of throwing away.

I would pull the viva towels/cotton fabric one by one off the roll and stack them nicely. I then would cut them into 1/2 or even 1/4.

In the baby wipe container I would put 3 parts witchhazel to 1 part baby oil and mix well. Then I would put in the cut viva towels in till it was full.

Use as you normally would.  This would cost me around $1.50-$2  to make 3  packages of wipes. You can make them for less if you just dont use baby oil.  I found it made her skin softer with it though. 

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